Program Registration

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    Conversion action Online purchase with processed valid payment
    Cookie days 30 days
    Commission type Percent of Sale
    Base commission 10.00%
    Tactical Dad is the place where adventure and fatherhood meet. You love being outdoors and raising an outdoor kid, so you should both enjoy nature in style. With room for everything your little sprout needs, it's the perfect diaper bag for every active dad.

    - If you are displaying our products on your site, you must write your own unique descriptions. You cannot copy our existing descriptions. We use copyscape to continuously monitor if our site content is being duplicated.
    - You should promote our shipping, personalization and quantity discount offers.
    - We will pay you on the 10th of each month for previous months sales. Payments will be made via Paypal. We will email you a report detailing all commissions.
    - Payments will only be made if your commissions exceeded $50, otherwise commissions will remain in your account until the next payment cycle.